After several years of constantly moving house, I finally settled long-term in the autumn of 2024, which means my parents are keen for me to sort through and reclaim or dispose of a lot of the stuff they’ve been looking after for the last ten years. Every time I come to stay, I’m invited to …
‘Tis The Season
Slightly upsettingly, it is now September. Not only that, but it’s not even early September. It’s the 19th. Schools have been back for a good couple of weeks. There’s a distinctly autumnal chill to the air. The evenings are getting darker earlier and earlier. Summer, we are constantly reminded, is over. I’m feeling this particularly …
A Ten-Year Trilogy
Ten years ago, in May 2014, I was revising vocabulary for my French A-Level exam and came across the phrase papillon de nuit, butterfly of night: the French name for a moth. “That’s so badass,” I posted on Facebook. “It sounds like an assassin’s nickname. And saying that, I’ve got an idea…” It wasn’t a …
Borrowed Words
Let’s talk about epigraphs. As a writer, I put way too much thought into my epigraphs, although I know that many readers skim straight past them. In fact, I often skim straight past them myself when reading: unless they’re from something I’ve read or know well, in most cases I will immediately forget what they …
Cover Reveal: Moth to a Flame
My adult books may have taken centre stage in my social media posts lately, not least because I have been mired in line edits and they have been occupying my thoughts, but it’s time to turn out attention back to YA. The third book in my YA assassin trilogy, The Butterfly Assassin, is coming out …
Word By Word
I’m currently working on line edits for The Wolf and His King, my ‘Bisclavret’ retelling. Line edits, for me, are a multi-faceted process of nitpicking absolutely everything. This includes the grammar and rhythm of sentences, and I’ll read the whole book aloud to check for accidental rhyme, awkward alliteration, and repetition, because the feel of …
Queer Werewolves, Traumatic Shapeshifting, and Doomed Heroes
I have been waiting a very long time to write this post. Months at the very least, but really it feels like the culmination of several years of work and waiting and more work and more waiting, and now — now at last the news is here: That’s right. I’ve got more books coming. Adult …
Breaking The Streak
Last week was a week of endings: projects completed, tethers cut, deadlines met. One friend handed in her PhD; another passed their viva. I handed in pass pages for Moth to a Flame, the last book in a trilogy I started in 2014 with a character I created in January 2012. And I also uninstalled …
Stitching The Details
There’s a phenomenon — I’m sure you’ve experienced it — where you’ll learn a word that you’re sure you’ve never heard before and will probably never hear again, and then almost as soon as you’ve learned it, you start seeing it everywhere. It’s like a conspiracy: the world knows you just learned that word, and …
Farewell to 2023
Is it a cliché to write a round-up of the year on New Year’s Eve, or a tradition? I suppose the answer probably depends on how much you enjoy reading the round-up, and how much of it seems like poorly concealed bragging on the part of the writer. Either way, I’m doing it anyway, because …